Revolutionize Hand Rehabilitation with Syrebo Stroke Hand Finger Rehabilitation Exercises Robot Gloves C11

SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Gloves

SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Gloves

Transforming Rehabilitation with SYREBO Robotic Gloves

Hand dysfunction can be a challenging hurdle for many, stemming from various conditions like stroke, hemiplegia, peripheral nerve injury, orthopedic surgery, spinal cord injury, hand burns, or cerebral palsy in children. The SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Gloves, a remarkable blend of flexible robot technology and neuroscience, offer a groundbreaking solution.

Unleashing the Power of Passive Flexion Extension

The SYREBO gloves excel in passive training, enabling the affected hand to perform flexion and extension with set times and strengths. This innovative tool doesn’t stop there; it can also assist in grasping small objects like balls or water cups, making everyday tasks more manageable.

Groundbreaking Innovative Hands Mirror Training

One of the standout features is the Innovative Hands Mirror Training. This method utilizes the healthy hand to drive the affected one, ensuring simultaneous movement. This not only activates mirror neurons but also helps in replicating the motor nerve pathways of the healthy hand to the affected one, offering a unique approach to rehabilitation.

ADLs Training: A Step Towards Normalcy

ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) training is crucial for rehabilitation. The SYREBO gloves use a medically proven method, focusing on the three stages of sports learning. This approach corrects various factors affecting movement, aiming to achieve or closely mimic normal biological functioning.

Individual Finger Training for Precise Rehabilitation

The gloves also provide individual finger training, catering to specific needs like finger flexion, extension, end-to-end pinch training, and more. This personalized approach ensures each finger receives the attention it needs, enhancing overall hand functionality.

Special Offer: 30% Discount with Promo Code CLICK HERE TO UNLOCK 30% Discount

To make this innovative product more accessible, there’s a limited-time promotion. Use the code CARE2023 to unlock a 30% discount on the SYREBO Stroke Hand Finger Rehabilitation Exercises Robot Gloves C11.

The SYREBO gloves are not just a product; they are a beacon of hope and progress in the field of rehabilitation. With their cutting-edge technology and user-friendly design, these gloves are set to revolutionize the way we approach hand and finger rehabilitation.

SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Gloves gaming module
Training by Game using the SYREBO Hand Rehabilitation Gloves

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